This site is dedicated to the Massachusetts 2A Community with places to shop and information on things 2A related. As you are aware, as of August 1, 2024, your constitutional rights have been violated. This is not a rant it is just a fact. The Legislature and Governor of the Commonwealth knowingly violated the rights of the citizens by enacting laws without looking at Heller and other court cases around the country.
There are many national stores that are 2A friendly. We need them, especially in Massachusetts where the law of the land is based on the (il)legal interpretations of one person. We encourage shopping locally, visiting the stores in person when you can. Pick up items that you need even if that means paying a little more to keep your local shops open.
We also need to be able to have access to things that may not be available due to supply shortages or other things. This is not an endorsement of one site over any others, just ones that I have found to be more MA friendly. Even if they do charge sales tax.
There are many national stores that are 2A friendly. We need them, especially in Massachusetts where the law of the land is based on the (il)legal interpretations of one person. We encourage shopping locally, visiting the stores in person when you can. Pick up items that you need even if that means paying a little more to keep your local shops open.
We also need to be able to have access to things that may not be available due to supply shortages or other things. This is not an endorsement of one site over any others, just ones that I have found to be more MA friendly. Even if they do charge sales tax.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.